Thursday, 5 February 2015

Goodbye Mr Smith

Mr Smith's leaving card!


  1. Bye Mr Smith I'll miss you. You were such a pleasure to have in Year 6! Best of luck.

    From your friend Wills

  2. Mr.Smith leaving. OH NO! Plz don't leave your the number 1 teacher assistant. We all miss you goodbye Mr.Smith
    From Jayden

  3. so sad to see him go. Why do u have to leave us. School will never be the same without you.

    From Danny

  4. good bye Mr smith have a great time on the trains, conducting we will miss you greatly and make sure you come back and visit

    From your friends Euan and Humdaan

  5. Plz don't leave, OH NO! Don't go, we will all miss you. Your the best teacher assistant ever!
    From the best pupil Jayden

  6. To Mr Smith
    Keely, Khushi and Isra will miss you and your funny jokes and it won't be as fun with out you at Dol-y-moch. GOOD BYE MR SMITH!!! :D

  7. please don't leave I don't no what i'm going to do without you.

    from Mcorley

  8. Bye! Mr smith thank you for being the best TA in the world you all ways help me and others with maths and all that stuff. and you never let me or others down,so thank you mr smith. from Jack xxxx

  9. Mr. Smith we don't know what we are going to do we can't live without you being our teaching assistant please come and visit us someday. Do you have to go. (: (:

    From your favourite students Sahill and Ethan Be

  10. I'm really sad that your going to live us and drive far away! I hope it's not just an excuse to get rid of us. Joke


    I will really miss you and I will miss waking you up at two 'o' clock in the morning on your birthday at Doly-Moch.
    from Eve

    We were really looking forwards to pushing you in the lake at Doly-Moch but oh well we'll just have to do it to Miss Syzndler instead.

    From Laurel

  11. Good luck

    from mcorley

  12. Dear Mr.Smith

    We will miss you ,
    And your super smile too,
    Your funny jokes
    And please don't mope
    We will cry
    And say goodbye
    To your wonderful life

    By Mandeep Pandya

  13. Mr. Smith
    Don't forget us. Your the best assistant teacher in the world. ( DONT LET THE TRAIN BUGS BITE GOODBYE AND GOODLUCK)
    From Ethan Blount

  14. Kifayat and and Tyler5 February 2015 at 06:43

    Oh dear Mr Smith,
    the person we will miss,
    with your hilarious jokes
    and your cans of coke.

    Mr smith we will miss you sooooooooooooooo much and we wish a great career in train conducting.

  15. Thank you mr Smith, for teaching me

  16. I have just read these lovely comments from all of you. I might cry again! I hope you all have a lovely time at Dol-y-Moch. I will definitely keep an eye on the blog over the weekend and I hope to come and see you all soon when you're back at Howes!
